Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access my insurance plans & benefits?

Insurance plans and benefits can be accessed through the ADP portal.

How do I access the Forms Library?

The forms library can be accessed through the ADP portal by navigating through Resources > Forms Library

How do I access my benefit information?

All benefit information, including description of coverage, claim status, and various forms are available through the member portal.

Where is my ID card?

Your Anthem BCBS ID card(s) will arrive in the mail shortly. You can also download a copy of your ID from the member portal or access through your mobile app.

How do I locate a provider?

To locate a provider, click the following links:
For Health:
For Dental and Vision:

Any Questions?

We are here to help! For questions on your Health plan, contact Leading Edge Administrators (LEA) Member Services. For Dental and Vision plans, contact Cigna.

(LEA - Health) 877-208-5952
Extended Hours: 718-513-2478 6:00pm-8:00pm EST
(Cigna - Dental) 800-244-6224
(Cigna - Vision) 888-353-2653

Human Resources:

Who do I contact for questions related to my prescriptions?

For all your Rx questions, contact your Pharmacy Member Services or visit,
(Operational only on the date effective for benefits.)
Pharmacy Member Services: 833-271-2374

For questions on all your Specialty Drugs, contact Payer Matrix. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM EST.
(Operational only on the date effective for benefits.)
(Payer Matrix) 877-305-6202