
This interactive workshop gives leaders the tools to evaluate and drive a culture of accountability within their teams. This includes techniques to create a culture in which employees confidently accept accountability for taking initiative, recommending solutions, and making decisions that deliver excellence in all areas of the business.This creates alignment of activities and mindset from the front line to the executive suite.

In the workshop we explore why the victim mindset is so difficult to eliminate and so costly in personal and professional terms. The workshop uses the Ladder of Accountability, SMART goals, and the language of accountability to enable leaders to model, reinforce, and coach appropriate behaviors.

The workshop uses the Ladder of Accountability, SMART goals, and the language of accountability to enable leaders to model, reinforce, and coach appropriate behaviors.

Business Impact

Develop greater sensitivity to the business cost of a reactive victim mindset including low productivity and wasted time/resources.

Create alignment of activities, attitudes and priorities in a manner that employees find positive, not punitive.

Implement a strategy for deepening an ownership mentality and alignment from the front line to the executive suite.

Commit to modeling, reinforcing and coaching behaviors that create a culture of employee engagement and accountability.

Leaders are able to objectively assess the current level of accountability throughout their organization.

Transition employees from being reactive executors to being proactive drivers with a true ownership mentality over their projects.

Learning Journey


  • Leadership
    Address Video *
  • Case Study
  • Questionnaire


Session 1
The Ladder of Accountability​
  • Accountable Vs.Victim Mindset
  • Why the victim mindset easily takes hold
  • Coaching the transition
  • SMART Goals​
  • Modeling accountable behavior
Session 2
The Language of Accountability
  • Positive and productive language of accountability
  • Asking and Telling
  • Getting Buy-in​
  • SMART Goals​
  • Group Activity: Creating Team Accountability
Intersession Activity*


  • Action Planning
  • 30-60-90 Day Action Plan Reviews *

Learning Objectives