As organizations strive to optimize employee development, their primary focus is on maximizing the return on investment (ROI) from outsourced training activities. Managed Learning Services (MLS) have emerged as a strategic solution, enabling organizations to enhance workforce skills while minimizing costs.

It is also essential to recognize the broader context of training investments. According to the 2023 Training Industry Report , U.S. training expenditures witnessed a marginal uptick, reaching $101.8 billion. Despite this substantial allocation, the challenge persists in translating outsourcing training investments into tangible business outcomes.

This infographic serves as a compass, guiding organizations towards efficiently utilizing managed learning services to amplify ROI. By adhering to strategic principles and best practices outlined herein, businesses can unlock the full potential of their outsourcing training investments, driving sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

Discover more about our managed learning services and revolutionize your organization’s training strategy today!

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