This Article is an excerpt of the first two chapters of Social Media: L&D’s Untapped Resource. To read more download for free here.

Preparing for the Next Generation Workforce

There is a push towards the integration of technology in training environments to enhance the learning experience, but no set limit, no defined structure, no curated approach that tells us how far we can go, or how creative we can get when leveraging technology for training.

The tech savvy, next generation workforce, is a provoking force whose learning habits, characteristics, styles and expectations can guide innovation in corporate training.

Millennials are growing up using technology and social media applications at home and at school, on their free time and during training time, on planes and in their cars.

Their habits, expectations, and styles are much different from those of previous generations.
As millennials join the workforce, the concept of training will change because millennials are not the traditional learner.

Instead of reacting to the new demands of millennials as they enter the workforce, what if we responded by anticipating the new learning styles that will soon rule the L&D community?

Who Are Millennials?

Steven Covey, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, wrote that highly successful people “Seek first to understand, then to be understood”.

Before expecting millennials to go through traditional corporate training and come out effective contributors in the workplace, we might benefit from understanding their characteristics, learning styles and preferred learning environment.

    • Millennials are experiential and exploratory learners
    • Millennials are comfortable collaborating with peers and working in teams
    • Millennials use technology and social media to facilitate their experiences
    • Millennials are multimedia literate
    • Millennials favor social, interactive, and participatory learning environments
    • Millennials are more comfortable in image-rich environments than with text
    • Millennials are expert multi-taskers
    • Millennials seek immediate feedback

Social media has promoted a learning environment where new learning styles are being developed. The characteristics of millennials and their ideas of a comfortable learning environment can be used to enhance and innovate the structure of corporate training.

Read More – Download Social Media: L&D’s Untapped Resource

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