Despite significant investment in training programs, annual training program reuse hovers at a rate of about 50% annually, meaning that approximately half of a given company’s training portfolio is not being utilized annually. Annual expenditure and time investment on new training program development exceeds the attention placed on maintaining legacy content by a wide margin.1 This is especially problematic because old training programs still contain valuable information developed in cooperation with a company’s subject matter experts.

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As years pass by, legacy training content depreciates in value and effectiveness for a number of reasons:

Year 1
Content inaccuracies
Company statistics change, products get updated with new specs, and errors in the original content are uncovered over time.

Year 2
Outdated design
The graphic design for PowerPoint slides and e-learning courses tends to look dated after a few years.

Training not aligned with business needs
Older training programs might not be aligned with the company’s business needs and desired employee performance outcomes.

Year 4
Changing learner demographics
Training solutions that might work well for Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers might not be suitable for Millennials; changes in learner demographics require L&D professionals to revisit their methodologies.

Year 5
Outmoded digital formats
E-Learning content developed in Flash, legacy versions of rapid development tools, and in older versions of SCORM can result in non-delivery of the content over learning management systems and on newer Internet browsers.

    1. The Association for Talent Development. (2009). “Time-to-Develop-One-Hour-of- Training.” Learning Circuits Archives.

Too many companies are allowing the depreciation of their training portfolios by neglecting to keep content current. Maximize the ROI on your training content by modernizing old content. Download our free ebook to start the process of revitalizing your training portfolio.

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